
Showing posts from February, 2013

The Promotion of the Money Steward!

God has showed us abundance in nature with grapes, and how they cluster in bunches! From Greg Nichols: How does a money steward get promoted by God?  In Matthew 25:14-30, we have the parable of the talents.  A talent is a measure of money worth about $1000 by today's standards.  Three servants received three different amounts of money and each reacted differently.  The servant who buried the talent in the earth was like an entitled person today who will not work.  His talent he received which he wasted or hid was taken from him and given to the servant who had the most talents, and who invested wisely.  It does not sound like taxing the rich to pay for the lazy, does it?  Jesus had no time for socialistic tendencies.  God's Kingdom is totally opposite to socialism.   God watches to see what we do with our money, and how we use our time to acquire money also.  As God can trust us, He blesses us with more money to use on His behalf.  If you make it a quest to g