
Showing posts from December, 2012

Afterward Build Your House!

  "Prepare your outside work, make it fit for yourself in the field; and afterward build your house."  Proverbs 24:27 This Bible passage could apply to a young couple who ha s just been married and are in a rush to set up a home and fill it with nice furniture, everything on credit.  Often, people do this before they establish their final career.  They may have a job that is enough to get by and even make some purchases to give an appearance to everyone around that they are in a certain level of prosperity. As a real estate broker for 30 years, I saw many young couples buy homes too expensive and then have the home sit fairly empty for a few years because they could not afford to furnish it.  I have seen young couples ready for a divorce, having lost their furniture and their homes because they were not ready to use the patience God commanded in the Scripture above. A wise man said once, "do you want the appearance of prosperity or do you want the real thin

Handling God's Money the Bible Way!

God's Word more precious than gold or silver! God is looking for people to steward His money.  An old pulpit saying goes this way:  "God will get it to you if He can get it through you!"  Many believers have dreams of funding the gospel and being trusted by God to have a ministry of giving.  The last thing God wants, as made clear in His Word is that He blesses a person and that person consumes the blessing on their own lusts/desires. This blog is not another prosperity teaching.  This blog is for persons who feel God has called them to bless others with money, but it can also help every believer to be a better manager of their money, which belongs to God anyway.  I once learned an exciting thing from a man of God named Dave Duell.  He said something like this:   "Biblical prosperity is having enough supply from God to do everything He has told you to do in your destiny."  That excites me because I have an acute imagination that dreams big dreams for God,