Handling God's Money the Bible Way!

God's Word more precious than gold or silver!

God is looking for people to steward His money.  An old pulpit saying goes this way:  "God will get it to you if He can get it through you!"  Many believers have dreams of funding the gospel and being trusted by God to have a ministry of giving.  The last thing God wants, as made clear in His Word is that He blesses a person and that person consumes the blessing on their own lusts/desires.

This blog is not another prosperity teaching.  This blog is for persons who feel God has called them to bless others with money, but it can also help every believer to be a better manager of their money, which belongs to God anyway.  I once learned an exciting thing from a man of God named Dave Duell.  He said something like this:   "Biblical prosperity is having enough supply from God to do everything He has told you to do in your destiny."  That excites me because I have an acute imagination that dreams big dreams for God, and often, finances are the biggest limitation to fulfilling those dreams. 

I was once speaking with an extremely overly religious person and we were discussing giving to ministries.  I told them that it cost money to get people saved.  He asked me what I meant.  I gave him an economics view of ministry which pastors and ministry leaders fully understand.  If you take the donations given over a time period and then divide into the donations the number of people touched in the same time period, you have the cost to touch a person.  An evangelistic ministry might divide souls saved into the total budget.  The (gross) cost per soul is the result.  My friend told me that it was a warped view.  He was thinking in a misinformed way that ministry should be free.  While that is technically true one on one, and in our every day travels, that is a naive  view if you are considering people called to full or part time ministry, who have a burden to care for the wounded, preach the gospel and minister the Kingdom of God. Ministries have money needs if they are to reach people. That brings us to the point of becoming a money steward for God.  This person becomes a channel of cash flow for God's purposes. This person obeys God with money.  This person aligns their life with Holy Scripture so as to bear fruit in the Kingdom, walking in prudence and possessing anointing in the things of finances. Religious people bound up in tradition will probably not be able to be effective money stewards for God unless they get a revelation.

We will share information in this blog and revelation that can enhance your Kingdom view of money and you will see that this kind of calling begins to take on the ability to be a magnet for money.  I believe I am obeying God to set up a system for believers to prosper in the area of finance.  Getting out of debt is a huge step, and this is an area of obedience. Being a giver to the work of God is another step, and having a spirit of generosity is a calling of God.  Many money stewards are entrepreneurial, but you don't have to be entrepreneurial to be a money steward in the Kingdom. But free enterprise and witty inventions are often God's ways to bring a person into position for being an outrageous giver. As a side benefit, money stewards always have enough supply for their own needs, goals, and dreams, God sees to that.

I am entrepreneurial myself and have worked for 35 years in the business realm, including 18 years in Internet commerce.  I see myself as one of God's money stewards.  I am developing a product called, "The Money Steward" for Christian people, who desire to be used of God as a money steward. I see an army of people who are willing to pay and pray the price in God through prayer and study to be used of God in this area.  Watch for my next blog for further exciting and dynamic information on being a money steward of God.  Start today, right where you are at by praying about this and by beginning to streamline your finances, consolidate, cut waste, and sow precious seed where God shows you.  We at "The Money Steward" will never ask you for a donation, but we will tell you about our products. We will also show you a way to make money by referring "The Money Steward." This is a needed and popular subject right now.  The subject is marketing on the Internet. Watch for another insightful installment to this blog where you will learn more facts, see more principles and read more Holy Spirit anointed truths on money!

I show you how to automate this so it is selling for you 24/7 while you sleep or do something else like work another job.


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