The Money Steward and Unrighteous Mammon (Money)

Therefore if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?  Luke 16:11

God has nothing against money!

Unrighteous mammon is descriptive of greed and material gain and seeking dishonest gain. The word may also refer to a pagan deity.  God has nothing against money.  He loves to bless His children with it.  It is not wrong to be rich.  God has made many people wealthy since time began and continues to do so.  What is the secret to have God's favor and help in such a process?  It seems God blesses people with finances who have their Kingdom priorities correct, and they appreciate the Giver of gifts more than His gifts.  Then, when He does bless them, they do not waste or blow the money, but the are prudent and also generous to God's work and to the less fortunate.

Would you like to be trusted by God so He could bring amazing financial blessings your way?  Do you see yourself as funding God's Kingdom and worthy projects, be they Church related or humanitarian related?  Pray that you become more faithful with your money, and God will trust you to give you more of it. 

Right now, I have a product that helps people understand the current economy and danger it is in and how to hedge oneself and protect oneself against a financial collapse. The economists are calling it nicely an economic reset!  Precious metals and real estate are two ways one can protect oneself.  We show you ways to do so.

You can read more fascinating information, and see how to affiliate and earn an online income at this link.  


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