Protect Your Family in a Financial Collapse!

Joseph of the Bible, who prepared for famine!

A Strategic Product to Help You Prepare - Resell It with Us! 

Greg Nichols here, Christian minister, author, investor and Internet marketer.  I mentor people online about financial issues and debt and investing from a Biblical point of view.  Many economists have predicted a looming collapse this year, including Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad.   See his comments on a brief video here:  We all pray that he is wrong. But it is prudent to be "prudent" about the future. 

I mentor in precious metals, Internet marketing, and flipping houses without cash or credit. I have created a product that can show you how and where to pick up scrap gold and silver for cheap, and how to invest in precious metal coins, bars and rounds. You can also resell my mentoring product, and earn commissions through Clickbank. 

I believe each family should have a goal to own at least 100 ounces of gold and at least 1000 ounces of silver.  I also recommend that the same family owns at least 4 rental homes free and clear with no mortgage, and enjoys the rents on those for retirement. Economists have been predicting a financial collapse in the USA and many parts of the world for over 6-7 years.  They currently feel things are held together with band aids.   We could lose the US dollar.  The 20 trillion in debt we owe makes those we owe nervous and China and Russia have been discussing removing the US dollar from the world standard.  If you think that the USA is in the driver’s seat in the world economic scene, think again, because our politicians have sold us and our children down the river, so to speak, in debt, and the Bible says, “the borrower is servant to the lender.”  America owes trillions of dollars to China.  In a dollar collapse, that would call all our debts due and payable and the smoke and mirrors game that the Feds and the Fed have played all these years called Quantitative Easing, which is the legal printing of money without backing it up with anything of value, would pretty much create runaway hyper-inflation and a full scale collapse.  This economic scenario is all laid out in my Christian fiction thriller novel Hungry Nation, which is in the back office for you to read, at no cost when you purchase this product, Real Asset Investment.  I recommend you read it.  In a collapse, all paper money and all savings and checking balances and 401K retirements would probably become worthless.

No doubt in the collapse of the dollar, a new currency would appear, after time, and probably the only way to get any of it would be to have trade-able REAL ASSET INVESTMENTS such as real estate or precious metals.  The old paper money would be worth nothing. Do you see why I made this mentoring this way now, and how this product can help hundreds or thousands of households, maybe millions?  Just the shocking education alone can save people from disaster.  Should you be serious about it?  Yes.  Should we all pray that the worst does not happen?  Yes.  Should we prepare for any possible outcome?  Yes.  With the goal amounts of gold and silver I suggested, you could be well set up with assets in a new system, and light years ahead of someone who may have had $800,000 of paper wealth in a lost and dissolved 401K account.  A guy or gal with only 25 ounces of silver worth $375 in today’s money may be better off in some new economic system than the 401K person who previously had $800K in cash assets.  In such a collapse, the money in checking accounts, savings, in your mattress, in 401K accounts, money anywhere, would become worthless.  It would probably not be redeemable.  People would have to start over, with the only real value being in personal property and precious metals and real estate. 

My product has many facets including residual incomes attached to it. You can buy my product and then resell it and get your money back in 2 sales and earn with me from now on and use the earnings to acquire silver and gold. 


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