Why God Created Gold!

"And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; and the gold of that land is good:"  Genesis 2:10-12a

From Greg Nichols, Owner of Real Asset Investment:

Price of gold today:  $______ per ounce 
Price of silver today:  $_____ per ounce

Why God Created Gold!

God made gold in Creation and He made it for man. God went to great measures to hide the gold, and to cause mankind to have to work to find it.  In the above Genesis Bible reference, God, the Author of the Bible, is saying to us that gold is good.  Do not confuse man's lust for gold with gold itself. The substance gold, made by God, is good. God said so. Gold being hard to obtain and to mine causes it to be most valuable, and that is much like Divine revelation from God. We must mine God's great truths from the Bible with helps from His Holy Spirit through much study and devotion to finding the truth of God. So pure gold is like pure, Divine truth.  How valuable that truth is!  Money cannot pay for it. It is priceless.  

Gold does not mix chemically with any thing else on earth. When you try to mix man's truth with God's truth, you get religion, and a big mess.  Most people who need God in the world do not hate God, they hate religion.  Religion is man's try at making God in his own image. That does not work, and the truth of God mixes with nothing, just like gold.  

I said above that God made gold for man. With gold, God gave man a standard of value for exchanging goods. We see 3 English words here that sound much alike.  God, gold, and goods.  All are blessings to man, all 3 are for man.   God meant that His beloved man and woman would have gold and have dominion over it.  But mankind fell through sin, and gold became controlled by the ungodly of the earth.  But God has a remnant of people, a people not sold out to Satan, a people who want God as their God, and they desire to hear Him and listen to Him, and they wish to be compliant with God's plans for the earth, and they want to be pliable in God's hands. God used gold to symbolize His own righteous man, people who are malleable in God's hands. The word malleable is a description of gold, for that means it can be pounded or shaped or pressed into another shape without breaking or cracking. This is how God sees man, for if we are this way with God, we can be blessed by Him and bring great blessing to others. God uses compliant, yielded, mold-able, sincere, soft heart-ed and malleable people on this earth.  Jesus Christ, the Son of God, born into this earth, was our great example of a pliable child of God, one God could use for His glory and His purposes. And these who follow Christ in service to God, are the people that God created the gold for.  

"But as truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord."  Numbers 14:21

God revealed His plan for the earth while speaking to Moses here. He said it again later in the Bible. God said the earth would be filled with His glory, before the end of time.  This is an assignment for God's people. Whether this will be ultimately and fully fulfilled in the Millennial reign of Christ or not, or before, God's faithful remnant will set the stage for His return, and to do that, God intends to get gold or its equivalent to us to do His work. We have the message and we have the job.  In the mean time, God desires to get us gold to accomplish His will in the earth.  If you believe that, you will begin to be a magnet for gold, believing that it is good, and that God made it, and they He wants you to have it. God will help you honestly obtain gold or silver through your work, your faith and your attitude. 

"But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day."  Deuteronomy 8:18 

This verse shows that God has made a covenant with man, and it is about love and blessing mankind, and this verse says that God gives wealth to us so we (He) can establish that covenant He made to us and with us.  Besides all of its symbolic value, gold has a wealth factor, a purpose in God, a purpose of man's destiny with God, and this is all about blessing mankind.  I say to you my reader, do not let religion or false teaching or low self worth or failure mindedness keep you from obtaining gold or other precious metals, which God created for you, and intended you to have, so that you may be blessed,  and so that you may be able to fulfill God's purposes on the earth.  

Jesus said this:  "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal."  Matthew 6:19

You can however lay up treasure as long as it is not all for yourself.  Do God's work with it, and do not forget this word from God.  

"A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just."  Proverbs 13:22

God says you can lay up treasure in gold and wealth as an inheritance for your children and their children, and this is righteous and holy with God.  Just be sure to teach them correctly so they continue God's work with your treasure, and their inheritance. 

Go after gold and wealth for your family, your descendants, the poor, God's work, the covenant of God, and God's greater glory, and you will be blessed in doing it.  Set aside wrong teachings about the evil of money, and realize the devil is simply trying to control that which God intended you to have in the original dominion that God gave to man.  When you get that straight in your thinking, you will begin to acquire gold, silver, land and wealth and you will have a security in God that He meant His people to have, for gold makes people safe, for they can live on the good side of town, and drive the good running late model cars, and eat the healthiest of foods, and live a healthy blessed life.  

I have put together a product that discusses in depth investing in gold and silver with online gold and silver suppliers and also acquiring precious metals in scrap form also. We show you where to get it melted and many other techniques to test gold and silver and where to find it.  Knowing that God is helping you goes a long way in providing you the motivation to search for and acquire gold and silver.  If you cannot afford gold, start with silver, or maybe purchase gold by the gram measurement instead of the ounce. 

"Then shalt thou lay up gold as dust, and the gold of Ophir as the stones of the brooks. Yea, the Almighty shall be thy defense, and thou shalt have plenty of silver."  Job 22:24-25

Get your thinking straight.  Have a pow wow with your Creator, He is for you.  He can help you heap up gold as dust.  Notice how fast and how much dust appears in your home?  Let gold show up like that instead.  And you won't be short on any silver either.  This is not a fairy tale. Men and women alive today have gone after gold as God led them and they have plenty of stores of it. You can do that too.  Decide once and for all that money and gold and riches are not evil, and God your Father is more rich than anyone, and He is not evil, and He likes gold, and silver. It sounds from this verse above here in Job 22 that God meant for abundant gold stores and silver stores to be a defense to you, from Him.  We are talking about quality of life.  Yes, God uses things on this earth to help you, and yes, they are from Him, not any other being.  You may need to go back and read this again, studying the verses shared in context.  To see how to get more teachings, truths, mentoring and motivation, go to this link where my products are discussed.  I put this package together to help protect people from a financial reset or hiccup or collapse, something that could make you sorry that you did not obtain real assets of precious metals when you could have done so.  Also see how to earn 4 size-able income streams and be learning about precious metals and potential real estate deals too.

Greg Nichols
The Money Steward
Real Asset Investment


  1. Hi Greg. Might pay to check the links from this article. The free rotator page came up pretty much blank :-(
    To help people get started in gold accumulation, have you considered KaratBars? Best quality gold bullion from an awesome company. 1gm, 2.5 and 5gm cards. Cashgold coming soon.
    Drop me a note at its2ezy at gmail dot com for full info.
    Blessings from Downunder :-)


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