
Showing posts from 2016

Why God Created Gold!

"And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; and the gold of that land is good: "  Genesis 2:10-12a From Greg Nichols, Owner of Real Asset Investment: Price of gold today:  $______ per ounce     Price of silver today:  $_____ per ounce Why God Created Gold! God made gold in Creation and He made it for man. God went to great measures to hide the gold, and to cause mankind to have to work to find it.  In the above Genesis Bible reference, God, the Author of the Bible, is saying to us that gold is good.  Do not confuse man's lust for gold with gold itself. The substance gold, made by God, is good. God said so. Gold being hard to obtain and to mine causes it to be most valuable, and that is much like Divine revelation from God. We must mine God's great truths from the Bi

Is Our Economy on the Edge of a Cliff?

Trump or Clinton? (Great Reseller Plan)  (Get Our Free Report!) This is not a campaign ad!   We are making a point.  No matter who gets in office, our nation is at risk for what economists are calling an "economic reset!"  This is a nice way to say financial collapse! Have you prepared your family for economic survival?  Get our free reports on how to get positioned to obtain precious metals cheap, for just pennies on the dollar, and how to plan, set goals and get set up with gold and silver and also real estate investments, flipping houses and doing it with no money or credit.   We call this Real Asset Investment because those would be some of the only assets that would be of value in a monetary crisis.  Paper money, checking accounts, savings, 401Ks, IRAs, could cease to exist.  It never hurts to be prepared because this may not happen, but see what we are doing, because you can even resell this with us and the market here is huge.   Go to this link!

Protect Your Family in a Financial Collapse!

Joseph of the Bible, who prepared for famine! A Strategic Product to Help You Prepare - Resell It with Us!  Greg Nichols here, Christian minister, author, investor and Internet marketer.  I mentor people online about financial issues and debt and investing from a Biblical point of view.  Many economists have predicted a looming collapse this year, including Robert Kiyosaki , author of Rich Dad Poor Dad .   See his comments on a brief video here:   We all pray that he is wrong. But it is prudent to be "prudent" about the future.  I mentor in precious metals, Internet marketing, and flipping houses without cash or credit.  I have created a product that can show you how and where to pick up scrap gold and silver for cheap, and how to invest in precious metal coins, bars and rounds. You can also resell my mentoring product, and earn commissions through Clickbank.  I believe each family should have a goal to own at least 100 o